Welcome to the POCUS revolution in wireless ultrasound
Scan patients wherever they are most at ease, even in areas without an internet connection
All the functionality of a trolley based portable ultrasound in a hand-held wireless device.



“ Wireless ultrasound transforms Vet ultrasound teaching in Nevis and St
“After experiencing the wireless ultrasound versus a normal ultrasound on palpation trips, I personally loved
the wireless ultrasound with the ability to screen share. It made it very easy to see while also being able to
socially distance under the current pandemic conditions. It was a step forward technologically and
something that even before Covid would be better a tool to effectively teach a group of students on
ultrasound imaging because there is no crowding and trying to struggle to see one small screen. After
talking to many club members who attended the trip the consensus was the same and in favor of continued
use of the wireless ultrasound and screen sharing on a tablet on future palpation trips.”
Dr. Roger Hancock, DVM, Clinical instructor, Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, in St